Sunday, November 9, 2008

Adoption Day!-Nov.3rd

After boarding a bus, we traveled downtown to the Provincial Office to make the adoption official! We signed papers stating that we would keep her and raise her as one of our own. They finger printed mom, dad, and baby. Faith kept saying Wonya Wonya!! Morgan, our AAC adoption agent heard her and told us she had to potty. Our first experience with Faith and the squatty potty(chinese bathrooms)She was quite the expert and needed no help from mommy. Alissa's fear of peeing on herself led her to depants herself. I had a fit when I found out. Obviously we have not done enough camping with her. After a couple tries she finally figured it out though and is now an expert at the squatty potty. We felt so blessed! The reality of God's supernatural placement of this little girl with our family grows more dramatic with each passing moment. Oh, she even has dimples! She talks with her eyes like me and she's a servant and a leader like Gracie. She's very humble, thankful, sweet, silly and absolutely loves life! The afternoon brought us to WalMart. Wow what a shock! First, it was underground and secondly, there was every edible thing known to man & things we wouldn't consider edible. LIKE..mmmm snakes, toads, cow stomach, joints, bullheads, carp, hindquarters of animals with furs & hoofs intact! YEH!!! We bought Faith shoes because the ones we brought were too big. They squeek so we can keep track of her in the large crowds.

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