Saturday, March 28, 2009

Surgery News!!

I just wanted to inform everyone our dear Faith will be having her surgery THIS Friday, April 3rd.Please be praying it goes smoothly without any complications. I'm not worried about the actual surgery its self as much as I'm worried about the recovery. Quin, Faith's bed mate at the orphanage had her surgery about a month ago now.Her biggest obstacle was of course eating. With her mouth being to sore to eat anything she was admitted back to the hospital because of dehydration. Please be praying this is not the case with Faith. I will update the blog as soon as possible after her surgery to inform everyone how it went. THANKS!!

Parker's 1st Birthday!!

Mommy and Me!!

Parker's 1st birthday was almost 3 weeks ago!! I can't believe my little nephew is already one.
We had a GREAT time of fellowship with Angie's parents, her sister and our immediate family. Of course the highlight of the party was watching Parker eat his cake. It was HALARIOUS!!He is Mr. clean and hates getting messy, so he only lasted a short time before he got very upset with the excessive amount of cake gooked on his hands. You will see just how upset he got looking at one of the pictures bellow. I think part of his frustration was also because it was past his nap time. He hung in there through the opening of his presents and he even played a little before finally crashing. He was quite the sport!!

I'm Ready To Party!!

Ooooo........... Pretty!!

What Do I Do With This?

This Stuff Is Good!!

Wow... Everyone Is Taking Pictures Of Me!!

Oh No!! Is This Cake On My Once Clean Hands!!

Alright, Now I'm Mad!!

Look At The Damage Done To That Cake!!

Ben, Faith, Sarah, Grace

Ben, is this
Christmas Paper? lol

Dad's On Camera Duty.

Grace, Parker, Giles,Faith

Here Daddy, These Glases Will Look Good On You!

Mom and Me

Faith's First Trip to Disney!

I wanted to post some pictures from a couple months ago when my mom and Faith took a trip to Florida to visit my mom's side of the family. She took Faith to Disney one day with my cousin, his wife, and their baby boy. My mom knew that we all would have liked to go as a family to Disney for Faith's first time. The thing is , they had free tickets so how could she pass up that opportunity! (ha ha) Well I didn't get to see Faith's expression on her face for her first trip to Disney World, but oh well! I don't think I would have been able to pass up free tickets to Disney either!! When does that ever happen? (ha ha) So here are just a few pictures at Disney!!

Faith's favorite princess is Snow White and as soon as they walked into Disney she caught Faith's eye!! She was pulling at my mom persisting she go see her.

Faith's Baby Pictures

Hi Everyone!!

This is Alissa again. It seems like I'm our families blog updater. (ha ha)
I wanted to post Faith's baby pictures we received from the orphanage in China.
The first one is a picture that was taken right before she was placed in her foster home. Her lip was not yet fixed. She was quite the chunk! (ha ha) The second picture is about a month after her lip was fixed. She definitely looks like Faith in that picture.