After our typical Chinese breakfast on Congee (like cream of wheat), toast, fruit, bacon, rice, and noodles. The group of 6 families now, headed off for the girls medical exams. Everyone cried, but not Faith. She was extremely when Quin, her orphanage bed mate, was crying. She wanted to go in and comfort her. How Sweet!!

Next we were off for visa photos, again a breeze for us. Free time entailed visiting all the shops on the island. We walked allot to find the best deals. A Chinese blanket for Faith, Chinese dresses for the girls, and other gifts that were part of our list. In the afternoon, Faith and Alissa watched a movie while Richard and I did very meticulous paper work for Faith's visa. After she awoke from her nap, it was time for a group dinner and a local Chinese restaurant very close to our motel. The rice and noodles were excellent, but the rest was questionable, one in particular containing the foot of a black chicken, Yeah!!! It was 7:45 p.m. when we left and school was still in session as we heard the children learning the American alphabet. Their Schooling if from 8a.m.-8p.m. No wonder they are so smart! 

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